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The main media of my works is video, and I think all works of art are superimposed on the original basic materials. Repetition becomes complicated and contextualized, giving it a new context in exchange for its own artistic language. The topics I'm interested in coming from critical reflections on social structure and ideology, such as power, institutionalization, democracy and freedom. Most of my works describe the development of a single individual under a single lens. It is undeniable that the image with this as the keynote is slightly boring, which is exactly the impression I want to convey to the audience. At the same time, I tried to uncover the illusion of being covered with irony. Although I don't try to portray the truth behind the false, I do want my work to look like it creates a playful atmosphere.

My installation like the video, is not inseparable from the "repetition", whether it is mechanical repetition or the stacking of wood chips. Without exception, I put my focus on repeated reflection and blind thinking, which helped me to make the audience experience the numbness and emptiness behind it.

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